How Can You Use Goal-setting to Increase Motivation and Improve Job Performance?


Spring to department

The concept of work motivation

Why is motivation important?

The downwardly spiral of depression work motivation

Types of work motivation

Losing motivation

How to go motivated to work

Piece of work motivation creates better work and happier employees

We accept all been in that zone. You're busy with work, and a borderline is budgeted. You feel sharp, productive, and energized. Your work motivation is high.

You're enjoying the piece of work itself and are feeling great about how much progress you lot're making.

We call this mental state flow: where an private is completely immersed in their enjoyment of an activity.

"Motivation" feels virtually beside the point — your interaction with the piece of work itself motivates you.

Unfortunately, we've also all experienced the opposite feeling when we're doing something nosotros don't savour.

Time drags on, and yous're keenly aware of it. You lot're not any closer to finishing the job. Peradventure you're finding it hard to go started or are dreading the next pace.

What is different between these two descriptions? It's a factor of how motivated we experience. When we feel motivated, we give our all-time endeavour and go the extra mile.

If you lot're a manager, you've probably noticed how employee satisfaction impacts human motivation. You've no dubiety seen a drop in employee productivity when this happens.

Allow's take a look at what piece of work motivation is, why it matters, and how you tin can foster it in your employees.

The concept of piece of work motivation

The concept of motivation has a central position beyond the field of psychology. Motivation is almost our choices: where we expend energy and how nosotros prioritize.

These choices are especially relevant in the world of piece of work.

Beingness highly motivated at work means we try harder to do our best. Sometimes we are motivated by external factors such as how much nosotros're being paid, the benefits we are receiving through work, or whether we receive recognition from a supervisor or positive feedback.

Other times, internal factors motivate usa, such as how much we enjoy what we're doing or how important we believe the piece of work is for the company.

Work motivation has a direct impact on our performance. Organizational psychologists accept noted that an employee'southward functioning is impacted by:

  1. Their ability to do the work
  2. Their motivation to succeed

This human relationship is frequently expressed every bit the equation:


(Paradigm Source)


In other words, it's non enough to have the skills to do your job. You lot accept to be motivated to put your skills to work.

This is even more important when the tasks are difficult or the piece of work needed is ambiguous because the needs and conditions are changing.

Motivation helps to propel usa through challenges and overcome doubt and uncertainty on new tasks.

Why is motivation important?

Given the benefits of having a highly motivated workforce, information technology'south in a company'due south best interest to maximize employee engagement and motivation.

Improving workplace motivation has a number of benefits, including these top five outcomes:


(Paradigm Source)

1. Increased performance

A motivated employee volition put along their best effort and more often than not perform at college levels.

We tin differentiate between a person'due south maximal functioning and their typical operation.

When individuals are motivated, in that location is very little difference between the 2. That means that they regularly perform to the best of their abilities. Just when motivation is low, employees rarely demonstrate their maximal operation.

2. Increased employee appointment

Higher levels of motivation generally translate into employees who are more engaged with their work.

This means that companies will see:

  • Decreased turnover and absence
  • Healthier relationships amongst coworkers
  • Improved customer service

3. Increased creativity, innovation, and trouble-solving

Motivated employees exhibit college levels of creativity and innovation and are improve trouble-solvers.

Considering they work with greater passion and feel connected to the work they're doing, they put more energy into these activities.

In the face of challenges, motivated employees take on new behaviors and are creative and flexible in looking for workarounds. As a result, they are able to move past inconveniences.

4. Increased job satisfaction

Employees who testify higher levels of motivation too written report higher levels of task satisfaction. Employees who are more satisfied are more efficient, have higher levels of productivity and care more than virtually what they're doing.

v. Increased employee well-being

Employees who are motivated report higher states of well-being and amend mental fettle. When they are energized and excited to practise their work, their physical and mental health improves.

In fact, this relationship becomes cyclical.

Higher motivation leads to an increased sense of well-existence. At the same time, improving employee well-being leads to higher levels of motivation.

The downward spiral of low work motivation

Work motivation is an important lever for managers, and motivating others is a key leadership skill. Allow'southward consider the consequences of a demotivated workplace. In improver to losing the benefits listed above, at that place are other costs.


Decreased functioning

This hurts in the present, leading to higher costs, lower quality work, and missed revenue opportunities. But it also hurts in the long term.

That'southward considering companies with unmotivated employees are unprepared to respond to irresolute atmospheric condition.

They'll have a less adaptable and future-ready workforce and won't be ready to have on time to come opportunities.

Lower employee engagement

When employee engagement is low, it leads to:

  • Higher turnover
  • Absenteeism
  • Decreased customer satisfaction
  • Potentially increased employee conflicts and incidents

Reduced innovation and creativity

As a result of reduced creativity and ideas, fewer interesting opportunities or challenges will sally. This narrows the innovative and creative potential of the organization.

Lower chore satisfaction

This hurts recruiting and retentiveness and can lead to safety and quality issues.

Lack of motivation

Just as motivation can be contagious, then can be the lack of information technology. A few unmotivated team members, if left unaddressed, can demotivate others around them.

Others may start to question themselves for working so hard or question the ability of the team to deliver touch with such low commitment.

Types of work motivation

There are numerous theories of motivation across the field of psychology. Several specifically chronicle to the psychology of the workplace.

Nosotros'll explore two such theories of motivation because they can assistance us empathise what employees are experiencing.

The showtime motivation theory we'll look at is the difference betwixt intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. The second is Herzberg's ii-gene model.

Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation

In its simplest definition, intrinsic motivation refers to being motivated by the activity itself. The work is its ain advantage.

Extrinsic motivation refers to doing work for a reward other than the joy, learning, or pregnant that comes from doing the work itself. In other words, an external reward.

Anything we receive for doing work can be considered an extrinsic motivator.

Motivation examples include:

  • Compensation
  • Bonuses or a promotion
  • Privileges
  • Awards
  • Recognition
  • Praise from a supervisor
  • Less tangible rewards such equally a change in condition

This is an important differentiation because of their impact on performance.

People tend to perform meliorate when they're intrinsically motivated considering they intendance deeply almost the activeness. They are more likely to lose themselves in their piece of work and experience a land of menstruation.

Herzberg'south 2-factor model:

This model demonstrates that in that location are factors that lead to high motivation and job satisfaction and ones that pb to the opposite.

Still, they aren't the same factors.

For case, the factors that lead to higher motivation include:

  • A sense of accomplishment
  • Recognition from others
  • Opportunities for advocacy

When these factors are present, nosotros feel more motivated to practice our all-time piece of work. Herzberg called these factors Motivators and demonstrated their contribution to job satisfaction.

Herzberg assorted these Motivators with what he chosen Hygiene Factors.

These are the features that are needed to be present in order to avoid task dissatisfaction.

Hygiene Factors include:

  • Prophylactic working conditions
  • Adequate compensation
  • Fair company policies
  • High-quality supervision

While the presence of these factors doesn't lead to higher levels of motivation, the absence of them leads to lower levels of motivation.


(Image Source)

This model allows u.s. to think through the aspects of the workplace that need to be present to encounter bones needs (Hygiene.)

In one case these are met, we tin strive for those factors that lead to feelings of growth and achievement (Motivators.)

Losing motivation

Role of learning to manage people is learning how to motivate resistant employees to do what you lot need.

Only motivation is often not well-nigh laziness or work ethic. At times, fifty-fifty the hardest working employees can lose their motivation.

In fact, possibly you've found yourself feeling less motivated than usual recently. 2022 brought challenges that well-nigh of us have never seen before.


  • Interacting with coworkers through video screens
  • Helping our children with online school
  • Missing relatives and friends we don't encounter regularly
  • Worrying about health and finances more than frequently

It'due south non surprising that these stressors take led many employees to experience more overwhelmed and less motivated to exercise their best work. While they still put in their time, they are contributing less energy and passion.

Likewise burnout and overwhelm, what causes good, formerly-motivated employees to lose their drive? Let's take a await at five culprits.


1. Lack of touch, purpose, or significant

Many employees will work hard if they believe they are making a departure.

This tin be a difference to their colleagues, the company, the customer, or even the globe. If time passes and an expected touch doesn't materialize, or the impact disappears, motivation might fade as well.

ii. Disempowerment and restrictive atmospheric condition

In the performance equation above, motivation is a separate cistron from power. In reality, if your ability to practise something decreases significantly, that also affects motivation.

This might exist from a loss of resources, tighter timelines, or new policies that prevent collaborating with customers.

3. Mastery / lack of growth

Many highly talented employees savour challenging themselves and learning apace. This is particularly truthful if the learning positions them to achieve professional aspirations.

The harder the quest, the more motivated they are.

If they find themselves in a situation where they are no longer being stretched, they may miss the constant learning and become significantly less motivated.

four. Negative work conditions

Decreased sense of connection to the organization or teammates and a lack of belonging tin take the air out of motivation.

This type of damage might be a outcome of:

  • Getting a new managing director
  • Changes to team dynamics that result in unproductive friction or loss of psychological safety
  • An unsatisfactory resolution to an incident, especially if it violates the employee's core values.

five. Fright or threat

Fearfulness can be a powerful motivator in the moment, but it is hard to sustain. It tends to shut us downward into tunnel-vision. Fear doesn't create the conditions for adaptive, creative performance that reinforce motivation.

How to get motivated to work

What changes can nosotros make in our work environment to continue motivating employees?

To understand this, nosotros showtime demand to enquire: what motivates employees?

The good news is that there are articulate steps we can take. Hither are x things managers and leaders tin can do in guild to improve motivation. 5 chronicle to the work itself, and five are most how y'all treat employees.

v ways to increase motivation through the work

In order to tap into employees' intrinsic motivation, get-go, we plough our attending to the work itself:

  1. Brand the work more interesting.  Ensuring that piece of work has variety is essential to helping employees' motivation. When employees experience variety, it reduces boredom and keeps them engaged in the work.
  2. Ensure employees have acceptable autonomy. Having adequate autonomy gives employees a perceived sense of control over how they become their work done.

    Employees who are enabled to exercise their jobs with greater autonomy feel more than motivated, satisfied, and creative.

  3. Connect the work to its significance. Helping employees understand their work's value is critical to connecting them to the bigger picture show. Feeling that you lot're doing meaningful work that is relevant to fundamental organizational goals is a strong intrinsic motivator.
  4. Assess workload. Feeling stressed and overworked is sure to hamper employees' motivation. It's of import to take time to assess whether employees have adequate resources and time to complete their work.

    Leaders should ensure that workload matches capacity and detect means to make necessary changes.

  5. Offer opportunities to learn. Employees evidence higher levels of motivation when they keep to learn and employ new skills over fourth dimension. It helps them avoid feeling brackish and instead expect to future opportunities for continued growth.

5 means to increase motivation through employee relationships

Let'due south turn our attending to how nosotros treat employees and how we can use our relationships with them to increment motivation:

  1. Focus on what people value. Managers must determine what each person on their team values in order to understand what factors will motivate them.

    If you want to earn someone'southward trust and respect, first strive to sympathize who they are and what matters to them.

  2. Ask questions. Rather than making assumptions about how associates are doing, leaders are encouraged to ask questions. It isn't always possible to "read" someone else'south motivation from the outside.

    Asking employees almost their experience will help them feel heard and provide leaders with valuable information.

  3. Offer support. At a time when many employees report feeling more stressed than they did a yr ago, leaders should be offering their support. Helping to remove obstacles or sharing resource can help employees who are feeling demotivated by stress.
  4. Create a positive working environment. Leaders should strive to create positive and salubrious work environments. This happens through healthy communication, employee recognition, and strong relationships.

    These environments help employees feel valued and motivated to do their best piece of work.

  5. Celebrate progress, not only completion. Celebrating small wins — rather than waiting until the final goal has been reached — can help go along people motivated.

    We tin acknowledge the progress nosotros're making and celebrate how far we've come as we reach smaller, more specific goals.

It's important to cheque in with employees on how they perceive your efforts and how motivated they feel. Organizations should acquit appointment surveys that measure out employees' perceptions and reactions.

Leaders are then responsible for using the information from these surveys. This allows them to await for opportunities to consider how they're treating their teams and address cardinal motivators.

Piece of work motivation creates better work and happier employees

Motivation is contagious.

Employees who are engaged in their work assistance other employees remain engaged in their work.

Whether we're helping ourselves or our teams, it'southward a expert idea to know how to master a lack of motivation and turn it into great performance.

Ready to boost employee piece of work motivation but struggling with where to start? Cheque out our coaching services to learn more than most how you lot tin abound both personally and professionally.

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Published August 11, 2021


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